What Is Superseed? 🤔

Superseed is the first blockchain that repays your debt. As a general-purpose Ethereum Layer 2, it features a native CDP lending platform enshrined in the protocol. What sets Superseed apart is that 100% of onchain profits are used to repay the loans of anyone who uses its token as collateral.

The Superseed Community Ethos 🩵

At Superseed, building a robust community is not an afterthought. In fact, it’s our #1 thought, as we strongly believe that a strong community is the bedrock of a successful project.

Our overarching mission is to financially empower those who live onchain. Our mission when it comes to community is equally simple yet just as powerful: create the best community in crypto by fostering a culture of contribution.

We have three guiding principles that we want to live and abide by in all things community.

  1. Quality over quantity - in everything we do.
  2. Foster a culture of kindness, camaraderie and learning.
  3. Grow together through a culture of contribution.

Finally: what does the * you see everywhere stand for? It represents our belief that blockchains can do more - that’s the mission we’re on. We extend that belief to everything we do and encourage each other to do more. Be more.

Build On Superseed 🛠️

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How Can You Contribute? ✍🏻

Rewarding Contribution ⚡️

Meme Material 😎

(Brand Kit, Mascots, Stickers)

Educational Material 🧠

(Articles, Podcasts, Spaces, Videos)